Rindy's Devotional Tidbits Archives
The Spiritual Cafe is pleased to share her daily facebook thoughts. It is our hope that her reflections will be a service to you on your spiritual growth journey.
Week One Archives
Goals for the New Year Year 5; Day 1
It is just another day...like the thousands of yesterdays that become a today. But there is something psychological about this one, something that sets it apart. It is the first day of a new month and the first day of a new year. It's an opportunity to start again, to put the past behind, set some new goals, start over, try again. As I was musing on some 2017 goals, the thought crossed my mind, "What if God set some goals? What might they be? What things might He desire or hope for?" Over 2000 years ago the angel announced "Good news" for all people...all people. That hasn't changed. The news is still good...a Saviour was born...God in the flesh...to offer Himself in a substitutionary death so each of us might have eternal life with Him. I imagine one of God's desires for 2017 is that every person on the planet hear and accept that good news. Another goal might be to be taken at His word. God so carefully had His word recorded for us so we would have it to read for ourselves...sacred, inspired, God-breathed. In it He reveals His character and will and plan for us. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present, ever-loving, ever-faithful, ever-just. His will is that none should perish. His plan is to spend eternity together but...there is a choice and He lets us make it. I believe another goal would be for us to be whole-hearted in our commitment to Him. He loves us so much and desires so much for us but He needs our willingness. It is summed up in Matthew 22:37-39, "...Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself." With a commitment like that we can be "agents of God" and "agents for God's agenda". My word for 2017 has morphed into a phrase...to be "God's agent for His agenda". In looking over God's goals for us, they could also be our goals...believe and share the good news of a Saviour, read His word, believe His word, live His word, and finally, commit wholeheartedly...body, soul, and mind to serving Him. I do not know what 2017 will bring...but I know Who does. Today is Sunday. The first day of a new week, a new month, and a new year. May it also be the start of a new and deeper walk with Him for each of us.
It is just another day...like the thousands of yesterdays that become a today. But there is something psychological about this one, something that sets it apart. It is the first day of a new month and the first day of a new year. It's an opportunity to start again, to put the past behind, set some new goals, start over, try again. As I was musing on some 2017 goals, the thought crossed my mind, "What if God set some goals? What might they be? What things might He desire or hope for?" Over 2000 years ago the angel announced "Good news" for all people...all people. That hasn't changed. The news is still good...a Saviour was born...God in the flesh...to offer Himself in a substitutionary death so each of us might have eternal life with Him. I imagine one of God's desires for 2017 is that every person on the planet hear and accept that good news. Another goal might be to be taken at His word. God so carefully had His word recorded for us so we would have it to read for ourselves...sacred, inspired, God-breathed. In it He reveals His character and will and plan for us. He is all-powerful, all-knowing, ever-present, ever-loving, ever-faithful, ever-just. His will is that none should perish. His plan is to spend eternity together but...there is a choice and He lets us make it. I believe another goal would be for us to be whole-hearted in our commitment to Him. He loves us so much and desires so much for us but He needs our willingness. It is summed up in Matthew 22:37-39, "...Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself." With a commitment like that we can be "agents of God" and "agents for God's agenda". My word for 2017 has morphed into a phrase...to be "God's agent for His agenda". In looking over God's goals for us, they could also be our goals...believe and share the good news of a Saviour, read His word, believe His word, live His word, and finally, commit wholeheartedly...body, soul, and mind to serving Him. I do not know what 2017 will bring...but I know Who does. Today is Sunday. The first day of a new week, a new month, and a new year. May it also be the start of a new and deeper walk with Him for each of us.
The Voice of God Year 5; Day 2
I forgot to buy a new journal. I don't write in it everyday but I frequently record events or thoughts or notes and I have gotten use to having one. I figured I would have to scribble on loose paper until Thursday when I went shopping. Yesterday I received an unexpected gift from a friend. I unwrapped the gift from the bag and realized there was a second one in there. What do you think it was? You guessed it...a brand new journal! I laughed out loud and felt God smiling too. No loose paper for me. I felt as if God were saying, "I see the small things so you can well trust me for the big things." I was thinking about Facebook and all the posts I have written these last 4 years...over 1400. I can't believe it. When I felt God calling me to do this, I thought it was only for a year. I felt that was doable...God could give me thoughts for a year and I could write a post everyday for a year. And God did...and I did. He clearly put thoughts and verses and tie-ins in my head. I viewed events and life around me differently. Towards the end of the first year I felt the unmistakeable prompting that I was to do it for one more year. Okay. God had been faithful for 365 days, I would trust Him for the next 365 days. At the end of the second year I didn't feel that clear Voice saying, "Continue." He didn't say to stop either. I realized that this was His work and I was to continue until He said otherwise. If God had said at the beginning that I was going to write something everyday for years with no definite end date, I think I would have panicked. But He called me to step A and took me to B and then to C and D and E. And if it continues to Z, I have learned and continue to learn, that He is faithful and trustworthy. While we would like to see the plan from A-Z, God knows most of us wouldn't be able to handle it. And so He leads and guides us step by step. If God is calling you to take a step, I encourage you to put your hand in His and do it. He won't let go.
Today is Monday. "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you." (Psalm 32:8). And He will...trust Him.
I forgot to buy a new journal. I don't write in it everyday but I frequently record events or thoughts or notes and I have gotten use to having one. I figured I would have to scribble on loose paper until Thursday when I went shopping. Yesterday I received an unexpected gift from a friend. I unwrapped the gift from the bag and realized there was a second one in there. What do you think it was? You guessed it...a brand new journal! I laughed out loud and felt God smiling too. No loose paper for me. I felt as if God were saying, "I see the small things so you can well trust me for the big things." I was thinking about Facebook and all the posts I have written these last 4 years...over 1400. I can't believe it. When I felt God calling me to do this, I thought it was only for a year. I felt that was doable...God could give me thoughts for a year and I could write a post everyday for a year. And God did...and I did. He clearly put thoughts and verses and tie-ins in my head. I viewed events and life around me differently. Towards the end of the first year I felt the unmistakeable prompting that I was to do it for one more year. Okay. God had been faithful for 365 days, I would trust Him for the next 365 days. At the end of the second year I didn't feel that clear Voice saying, "Continue." He didn't say to stop either. I realized that this was His work and I was to continue until He said otherwise. If God had said at the beginning that I was going to write something everyday for years with no definite end date, I think I would have panicked. But He called me to step A and took me to B and then to C and D and E. And if it continues to Z, I have learned and continue to learn, that He is faithful and trustworthy. While we would like to see the plan from A-Z, God knows most of us wouldn't be able to handle it. And so He leads and guides us step by step. If God is calling you to take a step, I encourage you to put your hand in His and do it. He won't let go.
Today is Monday. "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you." (Psalm 32:8). And He will...trust Him.
Step by Step Year 5; Day 3
The quilt guild challenge we are doing for 2016-2017 is a "Mystery Quilt". First we were given instructions on choosing the four fabrics. The next month we were given Step 1 instructions for cutting. We have received two more sets of instructions for sewing some of the pieces of fabric together. But we have no idea how it will look in the end or how all the pieces and shapes fit together. I have to "wait" for each month's instructions and gradually the picture (in this case quilt) will unfold step by step. In a few months I will see the full results. I think a faith walk can be a little like a "Mystery Quilt Challenge". Mostly we don't see the big picture. We just see a step at a time. We have to trust the one giving the instructions. Perhaps in life that is best. Imagine if Joseph had been told ahead of time he was going to be betrayed by his own brothers, sold into slavery to a foreign land, falsely accused of seduction, thrown in jail for three years, and then made second in power. Would he have coped well with all that knowledge? How about Moses? Would he have led the Hebrews out of Egypt if he had known that a three month journey would take 40 years, the people would consistently grumble and complain and rebel even as God led them, clothed them, and fed them, and he would not even get to enter the Promised Land? I think not. Would Daniel have handled the news well if he had been told as a teenager that his captivity would lead to power and position resulting in professional jealousy from co-workers that would land him in a lion's den? Too much information, I would say. And so God gives, what we need to get started...to take that first step of faith. As we do, we grow in trust and confidence in Him as we go to the next step and the next. We may not have started out at the beginning strong enough to complete the task or fulfill the vision God had for us. But if we journey with Him step by step, He will equip us and we will grow in strength, experience, and faith. Today is Tuesday.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5,6) Step by step.
The quilt guild challenge we are doing for 2016-2017 is a "Mystery Quilt". First we were given instructions on choosing the four fabrics. The next month we were given Step 1 instructions for cutting. We have received two more sets of instructions for sewing some of the pieces of fabric together. But we have no idea how it will look in the end or how all the pieces and shapes fit together. I have to "wait" for each month's instructions and gradually the picture (in this case quilt) will unfold step by step. In a few months I will see the full results. I think a faith walk can be a little like a "Mystery Quilt Challenge". Mostly we don't see the big picture. We just see a step at a time. We have to trust the one giving the instructions. Perhaps in life that is best. Imagine if Joseph had been told ahead of time he was going to be betrayed by his own brothers, sold into slavery to a foreign land, falsely accused of seduction, thrown in jail for three years, and then made second in power. Would he have coped well with all that knowledge? How about Moses? Would he have led the Hebrews out of Egypt if he had known that a three month journey would take 40 years, the people would consistently grumble and complain and rebel even as God led them, clothed them, and fed them, and he would not even get to enter the Promised Land? I think not. Would Daniel have handled the news well if he had been told as a teenager that his captivity would lead to power and position resulting in professional jealousy from co-workers that would land him in a lion's den? Too much information, I would say. And so God gives, what we need to get started...to take that first step of faith. As we do, we grow in trust and confidence in Him as we go to the next step and the next. We may not have started out at the beginning strong enough to complete the task or fulfill the vision God had for us. But if we journey with Him step by step, He will equip us and we will grow in strength, experience, and faith. Today is Tuesday.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 3:5,6) Step by step.
All the Tools You Need Year 5; Day 4
My father continues to surprise me. I called him last night and he was his usual cheerful self. However, he could not retain one thing I said in his mind. Not for five seconds. So we looped the same questions and answers and I was having a job not to laugh. I don't mind repeating myself because I am very thankful to be able to hear his voice. As he repeated for the fourth time, "I am doing well, your mother is doing well," he added something brand new. He said, "I am not depressed, you know. The Lord is my comfort and my strength. He gives me all the tools I need. I read and meditate on His word and I am good. I have nothing to complain about. He helps me...I am good and your mother is good..." In among all the repetition was a pearl of wisdom. Despite his extreme short-term memory loss, he still ministers, still encourages, still uplifts. "He gives me all the tools I need. I read and meditate on His word." God's word does contain all the tools we need...tools for correcting, fixing, repairing, changing, directing, instructing. But like a tool box, the tools are of no use if they are left in the box or on the shelf or between the book covers. God's word was meant to be read, used, and applied . That can't be done if we don't spend time reading and meditating on what He has said. As the phone call drew to a close, Dad thanked me for calling and said I had made his day. But really, he made mine. Today is Wednesday.
"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:1
My father continues to surprise me. I called him last night and he was his usual cheerful self. However, he could not retain one thing I said in his mind. Not for five seconds. So we looped the same questions and answers and I was having a job not to laugh. I don't mind repeating myself because I am very thankful to be able to hear his voice. As he repeated for the fourth time, "I am doing well, your mother is doing well," he added something brand new. He said, "I am not depressed, you know. The Lord is my comfort and my strength. He gives me all the tools I need. I read and meditate on His word and I am good. I have nothing to complain about. He helps me...I am good and your mother is good..." In among all the repetition was a pearl of wisdom. Despite his extreme short-term memory loss, he still ministers, still encourages, still uplifts. "He gives me all the tools I need. I read and meditate on His word." God's word does contain all the tools we need...tools for correcting, fixing, repairing, changing, directing, instructing. But like a tool box, the tools are of no use if they are left in the box or on the shelf or between the book covers. God's word was meant to be read, used, and applied . That can't be done if we don't spend time reading and meditating on what He has said. As the phone call drew to a close, Dad thanked me for calling and said I had made his day. But really, he made mine. Today is Wednesday.
"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:1
Bear Fruit Year 5; Day 5
I have decided to start in Matthew and see how far I get in the New Testament this year. No rigid schedule...just an overall moving forward. In Matthew 3, John the Baptist has started his ministry of preparing the way for the Messiah. It is what he was born to do. As he preached the message of repentance, people's hearts and lives were changed. They expressed this inward change with an outward act of water baptism. "Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River." (Matthew 3:6) When the religious leaders of the day, the Pharisees and Sadducees, showed up, John had some blunt words for them. "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance." (verse 8) And he warned them not to think they would get special treatment because they considered themselves descendants of Abraham. A religious heritage is only as important as its direct affect on us. If we try to use it as credit, it is useless. If it is a foundation for our own personal relationship with God, it is wonderful. "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance." There are not any extra words in that statement...nothing to play around with, no double meanings. Produce fruit. If there has been a heart change through an awareness of sin and the need for repentance, it will show. John is saying that confession and repentance will be reflected in behaviour. Things like attitudes and speech and actions. The inward change will be...must be...outwardly evidenced. It is not optional or conditional. If the inward has changed so will the outward. John follows up his directive with a sober warning. "The ax is already at the root of the tree, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire." (verse 10) This man does not mince words! I am not unfamiliar with these verses. I feel as 2017 is still in its infancy, that God is reminding me (and maybe you) of a critical, non-negotiable responsibility that I/we have...to bear fruit...tangible evidence of Christ in our hearts. Today is Thursday. I have to ponder on what that could and should look like.
I have decided to start in Matthew and see how far I get in the New Testament this year. No rigid schedule...just an overall moving forward. In Matthew 3, John the Baptist has started his ministry of preparing the way for the Messiah. It is what he was born to do. As he preached the message of repentance, people's hearts and lives were changed. They expressed this inward change with an outward act of water baptism. "Confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River." (Matthew 3:6) When the religious leaders of the day, the Pharisees and Sadducees, showed up, John had some blunt words for them. "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance." (verse 8) And he warned them not to think they would get special treatment because they considered themselves descendants of Abraham. A religious heritage is only as important as its direct affect on us. If we try to use it as credit, it is useless. If it is a foundation for our own personal relationship with God, it is wonderful. "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance." There are not any extra words in that statement...nothing to play around with, no double meanings. Produce fruit. If there has been a heart change through an awareness of sin and the need for repentance, it will show. John is saying that confession and repentance will be reflected in behaviour. Things like attitudes and speech and actions. The inward change will be...must be...outwardly evidenced. It is not optional or conditional. If the inward has changed so will the outward. John follows up his directive with a sober warning. "The ax is already at the root of the tree, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire." (verse 10) This man does not mince words! I am not unfamiliar with these verses. I feel as 2017 is still in its infancy, that God is reminding me (and maybe you) of a critical, non-negotiable responsibility that I/we have...to bear fruit...tangible evidence of Christ in our hearts. Today is Thursday. I have to ponder on what that could and should look like.
Fruit In Keeping With Repentance Year 5; Day 6
As an "agent of God's agenda" I am to "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance." That is what John the Baptist said in Matthew 3:8. What exactly does that look like for a retired, ordinary, arthritic, overweight, short-haired person? Husband and I went to do our weekly grocery shopping yesterday. I had received my updated credit card in the mail a few days before. When I tried to voice activate it, it wouldn't accept the expiry date and I had to speak to an agent. After a minute or two, he said that everything was "good to go". When I was at the Walmart checkout yesterday my card was declined...twice. I had to use a debit card. Not a big deal but irksome. My "good to go" card wasn't going anywhere. I needed several things at the card shop and when I went to the checkout there was a sign that said the debit and credit weren't working. The clerk didn't seem suitably sympathetic and mumbled something about getting a tech guy to look at the problem. I could feel my irked meter rising. I happened to have enough cash to cover the bill but I wasn't too happy. I felt that "inner voice" remind me that I had a choice as to what I said to the clerk and how I said it. I could show the fruit of patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control or snappishly tell her that I hope they get their act together, fix their machine, and stop inconveniencing the paying public (me). I managed to wish her a good day. When I got home I called about my credit card. I was put on two long holds after connecting with an agent. I could have made some remark about the length of my wait time but I again had a choice...another opportunity to produce some fruit...show some kindness to a stranger...utter a pleasantry rather than a bit of accumulated frustration. As he apologized for the wait (again) I found myself reassuring him that it was okay. Our conversation ended with a chuckle from both sides and well wishes for a good evening. I felt good and I think he did too. My point is there are numerous opportunities to grow, produce, and demonstrate fruit that reflect a changed heart. A few bigger situations may come our way but dozens of smaller ones present themselves in the run of a day. They all count. Today is Friday. Biting the tongue, stiffling a quick retort, giving a smile, wishing someone well...we can all do that with the Spirit's help. And that is one way we produce fruit
As an "agent of God's agenda" I am to "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance." That is what John the Baptist said in Matthew 3:8. What exactly does that look like for a retired, ordinary, arthritic, overweight, short-haired person? Husband and I went to do our weekly grocery shopping yesterday. I had received my updated credit card in the mail a few days before. When I tried to voice activate it, it wouldn't accept the expiry date and I had to speak to an agent. After a minute or two, he said that everything was "good to go". When I was at the Walmart checkout yesterday my card was declined...twice. I had to use a debit card. Not a big deal but irksome. My "good to go" card wasn't going anywhere. I needed several things at the card shop and when I went to the checkout there was a sign that said the debit and credit weren't working. The clerk didn't seem suitably sympathetic and mumbled something about getting a tech guy to look at the problem. I could feel my irked meter rising. I happened to have enough cash to cover the bill but I wasn't too happy. I felt that "inner voice" remind me that I had a choice as to what I said to the clerk and how I said it. I could show the fruit of patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control or snappishly tell her that I hope they get their act together, fix their machine, and stop inconveniencing the paying public (me). I managed to wish her a good day. When I got home I called about my credit card. I was put on two long holds after connecting with an agent. I could have made some remark about the length of my wait time but I again had a choice...another opportunity to produce some fruit...show some kindness to a stranger...utter a pleasantry rather than a bit of accumulated frustration. As he apologized for the wait (again) I found myself reassuring him that it was okay. Our conversation ended with a chuckle from both sides and well wishes for a good evening. I felt good and I think he did too. My point is there are numerous opportunities to grow, produce, and demonstrate fruit that reflect a changed heart. A few bigger situations may come our way but dozens of smaller ones present themselves in the run of a day. They all count. Today is Friday. Biting the tongue, stiffling a quick retort, giving a smile, wishing someone well...we can all do that with the Spirit's help. And that is one way we produce fruit
Producing Godly Fruit Year 5, Day 7
I have this sense that God is emphasizing some points at the beginning of the new year that will then be expanded and applied throughout the coming months. One is to "be an agent of and for God's agenda" and another is "to bear fruit". I expect there will be others as the year progresses but these two I know already. Next week a group of us will be starting a Beth Moore DVD Bible study called "Breaking Free". I watched the introductory session a few days ago. She made the point that over and over in Scripture we have examples of God's people and believers who are held in bondage or captivity...literally, emotionally, mentally, and physically. It is not God's desire for us to be in bondage. He wants us to be free from what holds us back from serving Him wholeheartedly and completely. He wants us to be free to be the person He has called us and planned for us to be. And then she looked right at the camera and quoted John 15:8, "This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." She went on to drill the point that we were to bear "much fruit"...not "some fruit" or "just fruit" but "much fruit". She said that Christ's disciples were meant to be "profoundly effective". This after just reading and posting on John the Baptist's directive to, "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance." (Matthew 3:8) The emphasis on producing and bearing fruit and much fruit did not go unnoticed. I felt as if the Lord was reminding me early in the year what is to be expected...produce fruit...bear much fruit. Some character fruit I know..."But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control..." (Galatians 5:22,23) Producing and bearing it is an ongoing, some years are better than others, continuous process. But there is so much more...obedience, humbleness, wholeheartedness, willingness, surrender, submission. It will be interesting to see how this year unfolds. Today is Saturday. I am pretty sure some pruning is in order, as well.
I have this sense that God is emphasizing some points at the beginning of the new year that will then be expanded and applied throughout the coming months. One is to "be an agent of and for God's agenda" and another is "to bear fruit". I expect there will be others as the year progresses but these two I know already. Next week a group of us will be starting a Beth Moore DVD Bible study called "Breaking Free". I watched the introductory session a few days ago. She made the point that over and over in Scripture we have examples of God's people and believers who are held in bondage or captivity...literally, emotionally, mentally, and physically. It is not God's desire for us to be in bondage. He wants us to be free from what holds us back from serving Him wholeheartedly and completely. He wants us to be free to be the person He has called us and planned for us to be. And then she looked right at the camera and quoted John 15:8, "This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples." She went on to drill the point that we were to bear "much fruit"...not "some fruit" or "just fruit" but "much fruit". She said that Christ's disciples were meant to be "profoundly effective". This after just reading and posting on John the Baptist's directive to, "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance." (Matthew 3:8) The emphasis on producing and bearing fruit and much fruit did not go unnoticed. I felt as if the Lord was reminding me early in the year what is to be expected...produce fruit...bear much fruit. Some character fruit I know..."But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control..." (Galatians 5:22,23) Producing and bearing it is an ongoing, some years are better than others, continuous process. But there is so much more...obedience, humbleness, wholeheartedness, willingness, surrender, submission. It will be interesting to see how this year unfolds. Today is Saturday. I am pretty sure some pruning is in order, as well.