Rindy's Devotional Tidbits
The Spiritual Cafe is pleased to share her daily facebook thoughts. It is our hope that her reflections will be a service to you on your spiritual growth journey.
Week 17 Archives
Year 5; Day 114 Our God Reigns
We have a chorus that we periodically sing in church based on Isaiah 52:8. "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!" The chorus is a personalized repeat of the last phrase of the verse, "Our God reigns, our God reigns, our God reigns, our God reigns!" There hasn't been a lot of good news on the world front. As parents, some of the news banners are worrisome and cause for great personal concern to us in particular. And then we were reminded as we sang, "Our God reigns!" As we sang those words of assurance and confidence and victory, I added some of my own. "Our God reigns...over N. Korea, S. Korea, the Philippines, and Japan. Our God reigns...over the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Our God reigns...over Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Israel, Turkey, and the whole Middle East. Our God reigns...over France, England, Germany, and the EU. Our God reigns...over Russia, China, Australia and every other country and hotspot." Our God reigns! He reigns over terrorists and factions and groups and governments and organizations. It doesn't seem like it. It doesn't look like it. It doesn't feel like it. But we have His recorded Word, past examples, history/His-story. He will have the last word. Not a general. Not a president or prime minister. "For God is the King of all the earth;...God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne." (Psalm 47:7,8) And so we can face each day knowing Who is really in control. Today is Monday. Our God reigns!!
We have a chorus that we periodically sing in church based on Isaiah 52:8. "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!" The chorus is a personalized repeat of the last phrase of the verse, "Our God reigns, our God reigns, our God reigns, our God reigns!" There hasn't been a lot of good news on the world front. As parents, some of the news banners are worrisome and cause for great personal concern to us in particular. And then we were reminded as we sang, "Our God reigns!" As we sang those words of assurance and confidence and victory, I added some of my own. "Our God reigns...over N. Korea, S. Korea, the Philippines, and Japan. Our God reigns...over the USA, Canada, and Mexico. Our God reigns...over Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Israel, Turkey, and the whole Middle East. Our God reigns...over France, England, Germany, and the EU. Our God reigns...over Russia, China, Australia and every other country and hotspot." Our God reigns! He reigns over terrorists and factions and groups and governments and organizations. It doesn't seem like it. It doesn't look like it. It doesn't feel like it. But we have His recorded Word, past examples, history/His-story. He will have the last word. Not a general. Not a president or prime minister. "For God is the King of all the earth;...God reigns over the nations; God is seated on his holy throne." (Psalm 47:7,8) And so we can face each day knowing Who is really in control. Today is Monday. Our God reigns!!
Year 5; Day 115 His Child
Last Sunday morning our children and youth pastor gave a very thought provoking message entitled "Sons and Daughters of God". She talked about our identity and how we were created in the image of God. Later, I thought about my identity and the various roles I have, had, or might have. About the only one that is a constant is that I am female. All my other identities ebb and flow. I am a daughter except my parents live over 2000 miles away. If life progresses with no unforeseen events, they will pass on before me and my daughter role will be more memories than anything else. I am a sister to siblings who live as far away as my parents and farther. I don't get to be a sister in person that often. For years I was a student from kindergarten through university. Then I graduated. I am a wife and have been for over forty years but that role will not last forever either. I am a mother but my children no longer live at home. I was a teacher for 30 years but am now retired. I am now a quilter and will be until I can't do it anymore. Nearly all my identities are subject to change, have seasons of more and then less, and even less and then more. But my identity in God is different from any earthly one. He knew me before I was conceived and has ordained my days before even one had yet come about. (Psalm 139:1-17) He loved me before I loved Him and His love (unlike mine) is unfailing. In accepting God's Son as my Savior, I became His daughter...a child of God. And that identity is not subject to time or death or age or circumstances. I am His daughter here on Earth and death allows me to be His daughter for eternity. Death does not take away or end our relationship. Instead, death ushers in a new level of relationship. He has given me rights and privileges and promises that have no expiry date. He has given me unlimited access to His forgiveness, love, strength, and wisdom. My identity in God need never lessen. I am His daughter and He is my heavenly Father...always in the present tense. Today is Tuesday. "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!..." (1 John 3:1)
Last Sunday morning our children and youth pastor gave a very thought provoking message entitled "Sons and Daughters of God". She talked about our identity and how we were created in the image of God. Later, I thought about my identity and the various roles I have, had, or might have. About the only one that is a constant is that I am female. All my other identities ebb and flow. I am a daughter except my parents live over 2000 miles away. If life progresses with no unforeseen events, they will pass on before me and my daughter role will be more memories than anything else. I am a sister to siblings who live as far away as my parents and farther. I don't get to be a sister in person that often. For years I was a student from kindergarten through university. Then I graduated. I am a wife and have been for over forty years but that role will not last forever either. I am a mother but my children no longer live at home. I was a teacher for 30 years but am now retired. I am now a quilter and will be until I can't do it anymore. Nearly all my identities are subject to change, have seasons of more and then less, and even less and then more. But my identity in God is different from any earthly one. He knew me before I was conceived and has ordained my days before even one had yet come about. (Psalm 139:1-17) He loved me before I loved Him and His love (unlike mine) is unfailing. In accepting God's Son as my Savior, I became His daughter...a child of God. And that identity is not subject to time or death or age or circumstances. I am His daughter here on Earth and death allows me to be His daughter for eternity. Death does not take away or end our relationship. Instead, death ushers in a new level of relationship. He has given me rights and privileges and promises that have no expiry date. He has given me unlimited access to His forgiveness, love, strength, and wisdom. My identity in God need never lessen. I am His daughter and He is my heavenly Father...always in the present tense. Today is Tuesday. "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!..." (1 John 3:1)
Year 5; Day 116 Wealth and Riches
Psalm 111 starts out "Praise the Lord. Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in his commands." (verse 1) If we have a healthy respect, a reverence for the Lord and delight in His commands (recognizing them as for our own good) we will be blessed and happy. We often think of blessings or happiness as evidenced in material things, especially money, but that isn't what this Psalm says. When praise and healthy fear and delight in God's ways are the foundations, blessings will follow in ways that are other than just monetary. "Wealth and riches are in his house..." (verse 3) Not in the bank. Not in money. But "in his house". What might that look like? What kind of "wealth and riches" could be in a house even if there wasn't much money? Love, for one. All the money in the world doesn't make up for lovelessness. But a house full of love can make you want to come home at night and stay there. Laughter. To be able to laugh easily with someone you love is a gift. Laughter can ease tensions, smooth over some ruffled feathers, and can be as effective as a dose of medicine. And it costs nothing. Respect. Respect gives validation to who you are and what you do. It shows that a person has value and is valued. It creates an atmosphere for sharing and listening rather than withdrawing. It allows for apologies and forgiveness. Unity. To live in a home with shared values and purposes, with common goals, with a sense of caring for each other, loving each other, respecting and forgiving each other...how do you put a price on that? A house that is rich in the above traits and qualities will have a peace and contentment beyond money. Wealth based solely on money is unpredictable, unstable, and undependable. Money gets spent, the economy tanks, money wealth can be lost. But a house that has its wealth and riches on the inside is blessed indeed. Today is Wednesday. What is in your house?
Psalm 111 starts out "Praise the Lord. Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in his commands." (verse 1) If we have a healthy respect, a reverence for the Lord and delight in His commands (recognizing them as for our own good) we will be blessed and happy. We often think of blessings or happiness as evidenced in material things, especially money, but that isn't what this Psalm says. When praise and healthy fear and delight in God's ways are the foundations, blessings will follow in ways that are other than just monetary. "Wealth and riches are in his house..." (verse 3) Not in the bank. Not in money. But "in his house". What might that look like? What kind of "wealth and riches" could be in a house even if there wasn't much money? Love, for one. All the money in the world doesn't make up for lovelessness. But a house full of love can make you want to come home at night and stay there. Laughter. To be able to laugh easily with someone you love is a gift. Laughter can ease tensions, smooth over some ruffled feathers, and can be as effective as a dose of medicine. And it costs nothing. Respect. Respect gives validation to who you are and what you do. It shows that a person has value and is valued. It creates an atmosphere for sharing and listening rather than withdrawing. It allows for apologies and forgiveness. Unity. To live in a home with shared values and purposes, with common goals, with a sense of caring for each other, loving each other, respecting and forgiving each other...how do you put a price on that? A house that is rich in the above traits and qualities will have a peace and contentment beyond money. Wealth based solely on money is unpredictable, unstable, and undependable. Money gets spent, the economy tanks, money wealth can be lost. But a house that has its wealth and riches on the inside is blessed indeed. Today is Wednesday. What is in your house?
Year 5; Day 117 Seasons of Life
I read an article last night that referenced the familiar passage of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:" (verse 1) The author made the point that there were spiritual times and seasons as well as the familiar physical ones. I hadn't really thought about it but when I did, I could see it. When we were raising our children and both teaching, there wasn't a lot of time for involvement in other things. I went to church but had only minor participation in their activities. As I drew near to retirement, I became more involved in my church. I also felt a burning desire to facilitate a women's Bible study. And I did. For a number of years I had them in my home and even a few in the community. I had also wanted to get involved in quilting but it wasn't the right time. I tutored children from home and had a busy life. I loved the Bible studies, the fellowship of women, and the one-on-one with children...I guess I wasn't ready to give up teaching cold turkey. Both home Bible studies and tutoring had their season. With the ending of tutoring, I felt clear to start quilting. It has and continues to be an avenue for personal growth, good fellowship, and spiritual opportunities. After several years of personal devotions, I was talking to my sister who was in the midst of a Beth Moore Bible study. The desire was planted in my heart to facilitate one and that came to fruition last year and this. Looking back, I can see the Lord's leading into different "spiritual seasons". They varied over the years to meet my needs for growth and, hopefully, others. I have no idea how long this season of writing daily posts will last. What I thought would only be a year is now into it's fifth. Will it last until I die? Probably not. It will last until its time has been fulfilled. What I have found is that God has and uses a variety of ways to move us forward. And they each have their time and season. Our job is to be ready and willing for whatever the Lord has planned for us. Today is Thursday. I am enjoying this season but also anticipating what might be ahead.
I read an article last night that referenced the familiar passage of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8. "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:" (verse 1) The author made the point that there were spiritual times and seasons as well as the familiar physical ones. I hadn't really thought about it but when I did, I could see it. When we were raising our children and both teaching, there wasn't a lot of time for involvement in other things. I went to church but had only minor participation in their activities. As I drew near to retirement, I became more involved in my church. I also felt a burning desire to facilitate a women's Bible study. And I did. For a number of years I had them in my home and even a few in the community. I had also wanted to get involved in quilting but it wasn't the right time. I tutored children from home and had a busy life. I loved the Bible studies, the fellowship of women, and the one-on-one with children...I guess I wasn't ready to give up teaching cold turkey. Both home Bible studies and tutoring had their season. With the ending of tutoring, I felt clear to start quilting. It has and continues to be an avenue for personal growth, good fellowship, and spiritual opportunities. After several years of personal devotions, I was talking to my sister who was in the midst of a Beth Moore Bible study. The desire was planted in my heart to facilitate one and that came to fruition last year and this. Looking back, I can see the Lord's leading into different "spiritual seasons". They varied over the years to meet my needs for growth and, hopefully, others. I have no idea how long this season of writing daily posts will last. What I thought would only be a year is now into it's fifth. Will it last until I die? Probably not. It will last until its time has been fulfilled. What I have found is that God has and uses a variety of ways to move us forward. And they each have their time and season. Our job is to be ready and willing for whatever the Lord has planned for us. Today is Thursday. I am enjoying this season but also anticipating what might be ahead.
Year 5; Day 118 Seeing Beyond the Surface
After I retired, I renewed a friendship with a collector. She opened the door (unleashed??) a passion for collecting. While my interests are not as broad as hers, it has given me hours of fun scouring thrift stores, flea markets , and antique malls looking for "treasures". And what is a treasure to one may not be to another. We went to town yesterday and stopped into Value Village. I was looking for a specific book and a spring jacket. I don't usually do clothes but I thought I would look. And there it was. A lovely jacket that fit and had a hood and the price was right. The prices have gone up considerably in the store so I was surprised at the relatively low price tag. Closer inspection showed why. It was dirty. Not filthy but not clean. There were marks on it like someone had brushed up against a dirty car. There was a smear of food (I hope food) on the sleeve. But I saw great potential. Nothing was worn, all the zippers worked, it fit, and the price was right. It needs a bit of work but I think it will clean up nicely. There were some gorgeous serving spoons and forks that were quite tarnished but I knew with some polish they would shine up well. There was beauty underneath the blackness. I also saw a brooch that had a designer signature on the back. The one doing the pricing probably didn't even notice it was signed. There were some genuine treasures to be found if you were willing to look below the surface. The store was full of what others didn't want, didn't need, didn't value, no longer cared about. Sometimes we feel like that...no one cares, we have no value. Sometimes we are viewed like that...not worth much...not worth an effort. But there is One who sees beyond all that. "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) He sees the designer stamp "made in His image" on each of us even when it is covered with tarnish or dirt or in need of repair. No matter what state we are in, He loves us. He sees beyond where we are to what we can and will be. Only He never paid a cut rate for us. Instead He paid the highest price imaginable...the death of His Son. Today is Friday. We are dearly loved.
After I retired, I renewed a friendship with a collector. She opened the door (unleashed??) a passion for collecting. While my interests are not as broad as hers, it has given me hours of fun scouring thrift stores, flea markets , and antique malls looking for "treasures". And what is a treasure to one may not be to another. We went to town yesterday and stopped into Value Village. I was looking for a specific book and a spring jacket. I don't usually do clothes but I thought I would look. And there it was. A lovely jacket that fit and had a hood and the price was right. The prices have gone up considerably in the store so I was surprised at the relatively low price tag. Closer inspection showed why. It was dirty. Not filthy but not clean. There were marks on it like someone had brushed up against a dirty car. There was a smear of food (I hope food) on the sleeve. But I saw great potential. Nothing was worn, all the zippers worked, it fit, and the price was right. It needs a bit of work but I think it will clean up nicely. There were some gorgeous serving spoons and forks that were quite tarnished but I knew with some polish they would shine up well. There was beauty underneath the blackness. I also saw a brooch that had a designer signature on the back. The one doing the pricing probably didn't even notice it was signed. There were some genuine treasures to be found if you were willing to look below the surface. The store was full of what others didn't want, didn't need, didn't value, no longer cared about. Sometimes we feel like that...no one cares, we have no value. Sometimes we are viewed like that...not worth much...not worth an effort. But there is One who sees beyond all that. "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8) He sees the designer stamp "made in His image" on each of us even when it is covered with tarnish or dirt or in need of repair. No matter what state we are in, He loves us. He sees beyond where we are to what we can and will be. Only He never paid a cut rate for us. Instead He paid the highest price imaginable...the death of His Son. Today is Friday. We are dearly loved.
Year 5; Day 119 He Looks
George O. Wood said in his commentary on Psalm 113 (A Psalm in Your Heart; Vol. 2) that there are two kinds of looks. It gave me pause to ponder on that statement. The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) illustrates that thought well. The priest and the Levi both looked at the man who had been beaten up by robbers and left half dead on the road. They looked but did nothing. They just walked on by on the other side of the road? Why? Perhaps they were late and didn't feel they had the time to get involved. Maybe they thought someone better qualified would come along. It is possible they didn't grasp the seriousness of the situation, that the man was near death. Maybe they just plain lacked compassion. They saw but didn't care...it wasn't their problem. Whatever the reason, those people looked but were not moved to action. When the Samaritan came along, he looked at the same scene as the priest and the Levi. But he "saw" differently. He saw a man in need...a need that the Samaritan could meet. When he looked, "...he took pity on him. He went to him..." (Luke 10:33,34) The Samaritan was moved with compassion and that caused him to act. He bandaged up the stranger's wounds and took him to an inn and cared for him. The priest and Levi looked and reacted with inaction. The Samaritan looked and it caused him to act. Our God looks, as well. "Who is like the Lord our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth?" (Psalm 113:5,6) He stoops down. He takes a good look...a close look. And in this Psalm God is moved to action when He sees three groups in particular. "He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap...He settles the barren woman in her home..." (verses 7,9) He raises, He lifts, and He settles. There is no one like our Lord. Today is Saturday. And when He stoops to look, He will act in the right way and at the right time.
George O. Wood said in his commentary on Psalm 113 (A Psalm in Your Heart; Vol. 2) that there are two kinds of looks. It gave me pause to ponder on that statement. The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) illustrates that thought well. The priest and the Levi both looked at the man who had been beaten up by robbers and left half dead on the road. They looked but did nothing. They just walked on by on the other side of the road? Why? Perhaps they were late and didn't feel they had the time to get involved. Maybe they thought someone better qualified would come along. It is possible they didn't grasp the seriousness of the situation, that the man was near death. Maybe they just plain lacked compassion. They saw but didn't care...it wasn't their problem. Whatever the reason, those people looked but were not moved to action. When the Samaritan came along, he looked at the same scene as the priest and the Levi. But he "saw" differently. He saw a man in need...a need that the Samaritan could meet. When he looked, "...he took pity on him. He went to him..." (Luke 10:33,34) The Samaritan was moved with compassion and that caused him to act. He bandaged up the stranger's wounds and took him to an inn and cared for him. The priest and Levi looked and reacted with inaction. The Samaritan looked and it caused him to act. Our God looks, as well. "Who is like the Lord our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth?" (Psalm 113:5,6) He stoops down. He takes a good look...a close look. And in this Psalm God is moved to action when He sees three groups in particular. "He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap...He settles the barren woman in her home..." (verses 7,9) He raises, He lifts, and He settles. There is no one like our Lord. Today is Saturday. And when He stoops to look, He will act in the right way and at the right time.
Year 5; Day 120 Praise the Lord
These last couple of weeks I have gone to bed more times than not, not knowing what I was going to post on. I haven't sensed they were suppose to end and I do get a thought by writing time. The problem with a last minute thought is there is no time to ponder on it. I am not sure why this is happening. Maybe the Lord wants me to spend more time in His Word. Maybe He is teaching me a deeper level of trust. And maybe it is back to my 2014 word for the year..."perseverance". Maybe He is growing my willingness to persevere. This morning my only clear thought was "Praise the Lord". In the last few weeks I have been approached by several people with prayer requests. I have also had opportunities come my way to pray with people in person and over the phone. The requests are in various stages of being answered. Some "yes". Some "no". Some "hold steady". But I know all have been heard. I know all the needs I bring to Him have an answer and a time table and credibility. Praise the Lord! As husband and I went to St. John's last week, we listened to recordings of gospel music. The travel time went quickly as I sang and worshiped. I felt His joy welling up in my soul. Praise the Lord! I have an aunt whose time on this Earth is drawing to a close. She will soon be with the One she has loved and served so faithfully. Those left behind will miss her but sorrow will be mingled with joy knowing she will have just gone on ahead. Praise the Lord! I will soon be visiting family and friends that I dearly love. There will be some planned adventures but also the unplanned...opportunities to laugh, be together, sing, add value to someone else's life as they add value to mine. Praise the Lord! In these uncertain times, I have sensed a peace that has another Source. Despite the personal connection I have to what is going on in this world, I know my Lord reigns. I know He is sovereign. I know the bluffs and bluster and threats (real or idle) of others are all subject to the will and plan of God. I sense the Lord guarding my heart just like it says in Philippians 4:7, "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." I know this to be true. I actually feel it and I also know it. Praise the Lord! Today is Sunday. For what can you praise Him this day?
These last couple of weeks I have gone to bed more times than not, not knowing what I was going to post on. I haven't sensed they were suppose to end and I do get a thought by writing time. The problem with a last minute thought is there is no time to ponder on it. I am not sure why this is happening. Maybe the Lord wants me to spend more time in His Word. Maybe He is teaching me a deeper level of trust. And maybe it is back to my 2014 word for the year..."perseverance". Maybe He is growing my willingness to persevere. This morning my only clear thought was "Praise the Lord". In the last few weeks I have been approached by several people with prayer requests. I have also had opportunities come my way to pray with people in person and over the phone. The requests are in various stages of being answered. Some "yes". Some "no". Some "hold steady". But I know all have been heard. I know all the needs I bring to Him have an answer and a time table and credibility. Praise the Lord! As husband and I went to St. John's last week, we listened to recordings of gospel music. The travel time went quickly as I sang and worshiped. I felt His joy welling up in my soul. Praise the Lord! I have an aunt whose time on this Earth is drawing to a close. She will soon be with the One she has loved and served so faithfully. Those left behind will miss her but sorrow will be mingled with joy knowing she will have just gone on ahead. Praise the Lord! I will soon be visiting family and friends that I dearly love. There will be some planned adventures but also the unplanned...opportunities to laugh, be together, sing, add value to someone else's life as they add value to mine. Praise the Lord! In these uncertain times, I have sensed a peace that has another Source. Despite the personal connection I have to what is going on in this world, I know my Lord reigns. I know He is sovereign. I know the bluffs and bluster and threats (real or idle) of others are all subject to the will and plan of God. I sense the Lord guarding my heart just like it says in Philippians 4:7, "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." I know this to be true. I actually feel it and I also know it. Praise the Lord! Today is Sunday. For what can you praise Him this day?