Rindy's Devotional Tidbits
The Spiritual Cafe is pleased to share her daily facebook thoughts. It is our hope that her reflections will be a service to you on your spiritual growth journey.
Week 18 Archives
Year 5; Day 121 Between His Shoulders
It seems like the last couple weeks have carried some hard blows. Several friends have received difficult news regarding health issues. A relative is drawing near to eternity. There are issues that get mentioned and then there are ones that remain silent...silent but of no less concern...no less pain. I had a verse come to mind yesterday and when I looked it up, my eyes were drawn to a verse on the other page. The verse was underlined and bracketed but I don't remember reading it. "Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders." (Deuteronomy 33:12) The first half I have read in one form or another numerous times. David writes of it often in the Psalms. But the second half of the verse caused me to ponder. Resting between His shoulders. Not on or over His shoulders but between His shoulders. Like a person just got so tired and weary of walking or standing or waiting that he just leaned forward against the person in front of him. Leaned forward and rested...rested his head on the space between the shoulders. Only we wouldn't do that with a stranger. But the Lord invites us to rest against Him because He loves us. But suppose we aren't weary and tired. Suppose it is not a back to lean against we need. Suppose our heart is broken and the tears won't stop. Then what? Then He will wrap His arms around us and we can lay our head between His shoulders, on His chest, near His heart. And there we can rest secure because we are His beloved. We can rest and be comforted and held. I think the reason the other verse came to mind was so I would see this one. Today is Monday. Whatever this day brings, may we all rest secure in the knowledge that we are His beloved, He is our shield, and we have a place between His shoulders.
It seems like the last couple weeks have carried some hard blows. Several friends have received difficult news regarding health issues. A relative is drawing near to eternity. There are issues that get mentioned and then there are ones that remain silent...silent but of no less concern...no less pain. I had a verse come to mind yesterday and when I looked it up, my eyes were drawn to a verse on the other page. The verse was underlined and bracketed but I don't remember reading it. "Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders." (Deuteronomy 33:12) The first half I have read in one form or another numerous times. David writes of it often in the Psalms. But the second half of the verse caused me to ponder. Resting between His shoulders. Not on or over His shoulders but between His shoulders. Like a person just got so tired and weary of walking or standing or waiting that he just leaned forward against the person in front of him. Leaned forward and rested...rested his head on the space between the shoulders. Only we wouldn't do that with a stranger. But the Lord invites us to rest against Him because He loves us. But suppose we aren't weary and tired. Suppose it is not a back to lean against we need. Suppose our heart is broken and the tears won't stop. Then what? Then He will wrap His arms around us and we can lay our head between His shoulders, on His chest, near His heart. And there we can rest secure because we are His beloved. We can rest and be comforted and held. I think the reason the other verse came to mind was so I would see this one. Today is Monday. Whatever this day brings, may we all rest secure in the knowledge that we are His beloved, He is our shield, and we have a place between His shoulders.
Year 5; Day 122 Payback
"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me?" (Psalm 116:12) Now that is a very good question. Kind of overwhelming, actually. How do you even begin to pay back God for life and creation and invisible forces and nature and intelligence and creativity and imagination and the ability to think and make choices and read and write and, and, and? As I sat there thinking about the verse, several things came to mind. First, we can choose to accept His gift of salvation through Jesus. When we do, we not only acknowledge the sacrifice, but we also acknowledge God's great desire to have a relationship with us. So much so, that He loved us first and made reconciliation possible before we even asked or wanted it. And many don't want a relationship with God, don't care, and aren't interested. His heart must hurt terribly when He considers the eternal consequences and the rejection of Christ's sacrifice. Secondly, I think we can repay God by believing His Word. By believing His Word we acknowledge God as trustworthy. By trusting His Word we allow Him to show His character of love and faithfulness. When we believe what He says, we allow God to be God in our lives. That opens the door for us to have the life He planned for us...a life of purpose and fulfilment. Thirdly, and closely linked to believing is obeying. I can believe in God, even believe the truth of His Word, but still choose not to obey. Obedience allows for the growth of humility and the squelching of pride. Obedience allows for better hearing of the voice of God and the inner promptings of His Spirit. Obedience allows us to become more giving and less taking, more Christ-like and less self-centered. Even as I write this, numerous other ways to repay God come to mind. The list is long. But hovering over salvation, believing, and obedience is a heart of thanksgiving and praise for all he has done, is doing, and will do. That pleases Him. Despite what we might think or feel or what circumstances might seem to dictate, we praise Him anyway. And in some small way we begin to repay Him for the endless list of goodness He has shown to us. Today is Tuesday. He loves us with an unfailing love and just wants us to love Him back.
"How can I repay the Lord for all his goodness to me?" (Psalm 116:12) Now that is a very good question. Kind of overwhelming, actually. How do you even begin to pay back God for life and creation and invisible forces and nature and intelligence and creativity and imagination and the ability to think and make choices and read and write and, and, and? As I sat there thinking about the verse, several things came to mind. First, we can choose to accept His gift of salvation through Jesus. When we do, we not only acknowledge the sacrifice, but we also acknowledge God's great desire to have a relationship with us. So much so, that He loved us first and made reconciliation possible before we even asked or wanted it. And many don't want a relationship with God, don't care, and aren't interested. His heart must hurt terribly when He considers the eternal consequences and the rejection of Christ's sacrifice. Secondly, I think we can repay God by believing His Word. By believing His Word we acknowledge God as trustworthy. By trusting His Word we allow Him to show His character of love and faithfulness. When we believe what He says, we allow God to be God in our lives. That opens the door for us to have the life He planned for us...a life of purpose and fulfilment. Thirdly, and closely linked to believing is obeying. I can believe in God, even believe the truth of His Word, but still choose not to obey. Obedience allows for the growth of humility and the squelching of pride. Obedience allows for better hearing of the voice of God and the inner promptings of His Spirit. Obedience allows us to become more giving and less taking, more Christ-like and less self-centered. Even as I write this, numerous other ways to repay God come to mind. The list is long. But hovering over salvation, believing, and obedience is a heart of thanksgiving and praise for all he has done, is doing, and will do. That pleases Him. Despite what we might think or feel or what circumstances might seem to dictate, we praise Him anyway. And in some small way we begin to repay Him for the endless list of goodness He has shown to us. Today is Tuesday. He loves us with an unfailing love and just wants us to love Him back.
Year 5; Day 123 The Work of His Hand
I went to a craft shop in our area the other day. She is not open yet but is taking things on consignment. The owner of the shop is a gifted artist. When I was a young girl I had a running mental discussion on which talent I would choose if the offer ever came my way...artist or singer. The offer never came and the discussion never arrived at a satisfactory conclusion. To my mind, each was a most desirable gift quite out of my grasp. So I have spent my life appreciating. This lady can work in so many mediums. She paints, makes jewelry, and works with glass...staining, melting and creating. But what I love the most are her dioramas...scenes she creates that are then recessed in shallow boxes. She sees beyond the obvious. Fishbones become boat sails and whale tails. Tiny pebbles become people and bits of driftwood can be seats for fairies. A piece of white sea-glass may end up in the night sky. She can make whole scenes from bits of this and that...stuff...junk even. But not to her. She sees endless possibilities and takes the various pieces and pulls it all together into something unique and special. God can do that with our lives. He can take all our experiences, our mistakes, all the different parts and fashion us into something unique and wonderous. He sees all kinds of possibilities from what is. "Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." (Isaiah 64:8) Today is Wednesday. And no matter what He is given to work with, He can fashion something good and beautiful.
I went to a craft shop in our area the other day. She is not open yet but is taking things on consignment. The owner of the shop is a gifted artist. When I was a young girl I had a running mental discussion on which talent I would choose if the offer ever came my way...artist or singer. The offer never came and the discussion never arrived at a satisfactory conclusion. To my mind, each was a most desirable gift quite out of my grasp. So I have spent my life appreciating. This lady can work in so many mediums. She paints, makes jewelry, and works with glass...staining, melting and creating. But what I love the most are her dioramas...scenes she creates that are then recessed in shallow boxes. She sees beyond the obvious. Fishbones become boat sails and whale tails. Tiny pebbles become people and bits of driftwood can be seats for fairies. A piece of white sea-glass may end up in the night sky. She can make whole scenes from bits of this and that...stuff...junk even. But not to her. She sees endless possibilities and takes the various pieces and pulls it all together into something unique and special. God can do that with our lives. He can take all our experiences, our mistakes, all the different parts and fashion us into something unique and wonderous. He sees all kinds of possibilities from what is. "Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand." (Isaiah 64:8) Today is Wednesday. And no matter what He is given to work with, He can fashion something good and beautiful.
Year 5; Day 124 A Jar of Clay
When I got home from quilting yesterday, I crashed. I just felt exhausted. The last number of days have been emotional. A lot of people in my life have been hurting...family and friends. Things happen that don't have a good explanation as to why. And I know I don't have to know the why as long as God does...but it is still hard not to wonder sometimes. I went to bed 8:30 last night knowing I wasn't prepared for this post. I didn't have a thought, I hadn't read my Bible, and I felt tired from the bones out. A verse came to mind this morning and when I looked it up, it was the verse before it that I think God wanted me to see. That is the second time that has happened to me in the last few days. God has used a familiar verse to lead me to another one. "But we have this treasure in jars of clay..." (2 Corinthians 4:7) The treasure? It is the Gospel message and Christ within us and the power of God at work in our lives. The jars of clay? That's us/me with our frailties and our humanity...our faults and failures...our questions and wonderings...our doubts and fears...our exhaustions and limitations I would like to be a jar of steel. Undentable. Uncrackable. Tough. Consistent. A jar of clay has so many limitations. But the treasure within does not. The treasure within has the power to sustain the jar of clay. And so I went to bed with nothing and woke up with the reminder and assurance that He understands I am a jar of clay and not steel. And being clay is okay because He is the Potter and I am not just clay...I am His clay. Today is Thursday. Within this jar of clay are new mercies, fresh strength, and peace that guards my heart. I am going to spend today resting between His shoulders and allowing Him to renew my strength.
When I got home from quilting yesterday, I crashed. I just felt exhausted. The last number of days have been emotional. A lot of people in my life have been hurting...family and friends. Things happen that don't have a good explanation as to why. And I know I don't have to know the why as long as God does...but it is still hard not to wonder sometimes. I went to bed 8:30 last night knowing I wasn't prepared for this post. I didn't have a thought, I hadn't read my Bible, and I felt tired from the bones out. A verse came to mind this morning and when I looked it up, it was the verse before it that I think God wanted me to see. That is the second time that has happened to me in the last few days. God has used a familiar verse to lead me to another one. "But we have this treasure in jars of clay..." (2 Corinthians 4:7) The treasure? It is the Gospel message and Christ within us and the power of God at work in our lives. The jars of clay? That's us/me with our frailties and our humanity...our faults and failures...our questions and wonderings...our doubts and fears...our exhaustions and limitations I would like to be a jar of steel. Undentable. Uncrackable. Tough. Consistent. A jar of clay has so many limitations. But the treasure within does not. The treasure within has the power to sustain the jar of clay. And so I went to bed with nothing and woke up with the reminder and assurance that He understands I am a jar of clay and not steel. And being clay is okay because He is the Potter and I am not just clay...I am His clay. Today is Thursday. Within this jar of clay are new mercies, fresh strength, and peace that guards my heart. I am going to spend today resting between His shoulders and allowing Him to renew my strength.
Year 5; Day 125 Precious in His Sight
I woke up to the news this morning that my dad's youngest sister had been "ushered into the presence of the Lord she loved and served so faithfully." We knew her time was drawing near. Alzheimer's had robbed her of much. Yesterday's Psalm that I read contained this verse, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." (Psalm 116:15) If I take the word "precious" at face value, then to me it is saying, "Important, special, valuable in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." The Lord has much invested in us. The death of His Son to redeem us. A life-plan even before conception. A longing for us to accept His gift of salvation. The desire for an earthly relationship. And now that aspect is over for Aunt Ruth. She loved and served the Lord as a teacher and a minister's wife and a mother to her husband's four children. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's some 13 years ago and her biggest concern was that she not tarnish her testimony in any way as her mental capacity deteriorated. To my knowledge she "rejoiced in the Lord" as long as she had speech. The death of a saint means the loss of their influence here on Earth. Even in dementia, Aunt Ruth had influence. She allowed her husband to demonstrate the true meaning of "'til death do us part". His devotion to his "sweetie" has touched all of us who read his posts. My uncle was an example of unselfish love. He gave when there was little hope of getting anything in return...and he kept giving. He visited and held her hand and read Scriptures and was a witness to all who knew them of devoted love. And now she has gone on ahead. Her time on Earth completed and her time with the Lord just beginning. She was precious to us who knew her but even more so to the One who has loved her longest. Joy and sorrow mingle. Joy that she is free of the limitations and confines of flesh. Joy that she is with her Lord. Joy that her radiant smile can shine once again. Sorrow for those left behind who will miss her so much. Today is Friday. I have no doubt she is rejoicing in the Lord!
I woke up to the news this morning that my dad's youngest sister had been "ushered into the presence of the Lord she loved and served so faithfully." We knew her time was drawing near. Alzheimer's had robbed her of much. Yesterday's Psalm that I read contained this verse, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." (Psalm 116:15) If I take the word "precious" at face value, then to me it is saying, "Important, special, valuable in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." The Lord has much invested in us. The death of His Son to redeem us. A life-plan even before conception. A longing for us to accept His gift of salvation. The desire for an earthly relationship. And now that aspect is over for Aunt Ruth. She loved and served the Lord as a teacher and a minister's wife and a mother to her husband's four children. She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's some 13 years ago and her biggest concern was that she not tarnish her testimony in any way as her mental capacity deteriorated. To my knowledge she "rejoiced in the Lord" as long as she had speech. The death of a saint means the loss of their influence here on Earth. Even in dementia, Aunt Ruth had influence. She allowed her husband to demonstrate the true meaning of "'til death do us part". His devotion to his "sweetie" has touched all of us who read his posts. My uncle was an example of unselfish love. He gave when there was little hope of getting anything in return...and he kept giving. He visited and held her hand and read Scriptures and was a witness to all who knew them of devoted love. And now she has gone on ahead. Her time on Earth completed and her time with the Lord just beginning. She was precious to us who knew her but even more so to the One who has loved her longest. Joy and sorrow mingle. Joy that she is free of the limitations and confines of flesh. Joy that she is with her Lord. Joy that her radiant smile can shine once again. Sorrow for those left behind who will miss her so much. Today is Friday. I have no doubt she is rejoicing in the Lord!
Year 5; Day 126 Never Unidentified
Friend posted a picture of a bird yesterday. She didn't know what it was. So I went and got a couple bird identification books and started thumbing through. I thought I found one that matched until I realized the tail was all wrong. It was forked in the bird book and fanned in the picture. I saw another picture that had the right shape but totally wrong colouring. I asked for more info. Did she see it over land or water (water)? Was it crow size or eagle size (eagle)? Even then I couldn't say for sure what it was. Later I was thinking about that bird and God and being unknown or unidentified. What if God saw me but just couldn't tell exactly who I was? Maybe He even got out His ID book but just didn't have enough information to name me. So He wouldn't know exactly who I was, my circumstances, or my needs. He would know general things but not specifics. Like we knew by the picture it was a big bird but not what it was, what kind of food it was looking for, or where it nested. Thankfully, we serve a God who has no trouble identifying us. He knows exactly who we are, where we live, and what we need. We are never missing or lost or unknown to Him. Maybe to each other. Maybe to ourselves. But never to Him. Two things that have been emphasized to me this year are God's unfailing love and His faithfulness. Psalm 117: 2 says, "For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord." Psalm 33:28 says, "But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, " I can't say for sure what the unidentified bird was----maybe an immature bald eagle. But in Christ we are never unidentified or unknown. We are God's children and He is our heavenly Father. And we are unfailingly loved with a faithfulness that endures forever. Today is Saturday. Sometimes we just need a good reminder.
Friend posted a picture of a bird yesterday. She didn't know what it was. So I went and got a couple bird identification books and started thumbing through. I thought I found one that matched until I realized the tail was all wrong. It was forked in the bird book and fanned in the picture. I saw another picture that had the right shape but totally wrong colouring. I asked for more info. Did she see it over land or water (water)? Was it crow size or eagle size (eagle)? Even then I couldn't say for sure what it was. Later I was thinking about that bird and God and being unknown or unidentified. What if God saw me but just couldn't tell exactly who I was? Maybe He even got out His ID book but just didn't have enough information to name me. So He wouldn't know exactly who I was, my circumstances, or my needs. He would know general things but not specifics. Like we knew by the picture it was a big bird but not what it was, what kind of food it was looking for, or where it nested. Thankfully, we serve a God who has no trouble identifying us. He knows exactly who we are, where we live, and what we need. We are never missing or lost or unknown to Him. Maybe to each other. Maybe to ourselves. But never to Him. Two things that have been emphasized to me this year are God's unfailing love and His faithfulness. Psalm 117: 2 says, "For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord." Psalm 33:28 says, "But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love, " I can't say for sure what the unidentified bird was----maybe an immature bald eagle. But in Christ we are never unidentified or unknown. We are God's children and He is our heavenly Father. And we are unfailingly loved with a faithfulness that endures forever. Today is Saturday. Sometimes we just need a good reminder.
Year 5; Day 127 I Cried to the Lord
I read a verse yesterday that surprised me a little. As I read the first half, I assumed what the second would say...only it didn't. "In my anguish I cried to the Lord and he answered by..." (Psalm 118:5) I have cried out in anguish before. I wanted the Lord to make the pain go away. I wanted Him to correct the problem, fix it, make it right. There might have been a time or two when I wanted revenge, retaliation, or payback. Often I have asked the Lord to tell me what to do because the reason for my anguish is not knowing how to solve the distress. Not having the power or resources or wisdom. Maybe my anguish is caused by my own foolishness or someone else's. Whatever the cause, I can't fix it, make it right, solve it, correct it. And I feel powerless or helpless or afraid. And so I take it to God in prayer. "In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and he answered by setting me free." That was His answer?? He set me free?? He didn't fix it? Set somebody straight? And free from what? And how is that an answer? I think the next two verses answer those questions. "The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" (verse 6) Our anguish is often driven by fear. The Lord can set us free from that because He is always with us. We have constant access to His strength, His power, His wisdom, His resources. We may not know who or why or how or what or when but He does. "The Lord is with me; he is my helper. I will look in triumph on my enemies." (verse 7) Both verses begin with the same statement..."The Lord is with me..." If we truly believe that, then we will be set free. Free from fear. Free from anguish. Free from worry. We are not set free to nothing. We are set free to live each day in trust, with confidence, and with rejoicing. "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." (verse 24) Today is Sunday. We may not get the answer we expect but we will get the answer we need. "...and he answered by setting me free."
I read a verse yesterday that surprised me a little. As I read the first half, I assumed what the second would say...only it didn't. "In my anguish I cried to the Lord and he answered by..." (Psalm 118:5) I have cried out in anguish before. I wanted the Lord to make the pain go away. I wanted Him to correct the problem, fix it, make it right. There might have been a time or two when I wanted revenge, retaliation, or payback. Often I have asked the Lord to tell me what to do because the reason for my anguish is not knowing how to solve the distress. Not having the power or resources or wisdom. Maybe my anguish is caused by my own foolishness or someone else's. Whatever the cause, I can't fix it, make it right, solve it, correct it. And I feel powerless or helpless or afraid. And so I take it to God in prayer. "In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and he answered by setting me free." That was His answer?? He set me free?? He didn't fix it? Set somebody straight? And free from what? And how is that an answer? I think the next two verses answer those questions. "The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" (verse 6) Our anguish is often driven by fear. The Lord can set us free from that because He is always with us. We have constant access to His strength, His power, His wisdom, His resources. We may not know who or why or how or what or when but He does. "The Lord is with me; he is my helper. I will look in triumph on my enemies." (verse 7) Both verses begin with the same statement..."The Lord is with me..." If we truly believe that, then we will be set free. Free from fear. Free from anguish. Free from worry. We are not set free to nothing. We are set free to live each day in trust, with confidence, and with rejoicing. "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." (verse 24) Today is Sunday. We may not get the answer we expect but we will get the answer we need. "...and he answered by setting me free."