Rindy's Devotional Tidbits
The Spiritual Cafe is pleased to share her daily facebook thoughts. It is our hope that her reflections will be a service to you on your spiritual growth journey.
Week 25 Archives
Year 5; Day 170 Storing Up
I feel emotion right up to my throat. This past trip to the States was not so different from many others. And yet it was...or it felt different...or I reacted differently. I sensed God's presence from the very beginning. That sounds vague but I don't know how else to describe it. College roommate and I went on a girl trip right from the airport. It didn't disappoint and we had a marvelous time. Aunt went home to be with the Lord whom she loved and brother and I got to unexpectedly attend her memorial service. We connected and reconnected with relatives from Dad's side of the family. Brother and I were still able to visit dear friends in Ohio before heading back to Michigan. Seeing my parents, being with family, enjoying the fellowship, having fun...it just filled me up inside. And even though I came back to saddness at the passing of my mother-in-law, there was a peace in knowing she finally was able to "go home". Talking to my son, knowing he is home with his family after being deployed for over 6 months, I am filled to overflowing with gratitude. I don't always "feel" God's presence in my life. I "know" He is there but the feeling of His love and care and personal interest in me specifically has been particularly strong this last month and a half. I keep thinking about the verse that says, "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart,..." (Luke 6:45) My heart is filled with the kindness, generousity, and love shown to me these last weeks from God and others. I hope to draw on it and share with others what was so bountifully shared with me. Today is Monday. May the love of God and others fill your heart this day.
I feel emotion right up to my throat. This past trip to the States was not so different from many others. And yet it was...or it felt different...or I reacted differently. I sensed God's presence from the very beginning. That sounds vague but I don't know how else to describe it. College roommate and I went on a girl trip right from the airport. It didn't disappoint and we had a marvelous time. Aunt went home to be with the Lord whom she loved and brother and I got to unexpectedly attend her memorial service. We connected and reconnected with relatives from Dad's side of the family. Brother and I were still able to visit dear friends in Ohio before heading back to Michigan. Seeing my parents, being with family, enjoying the fellowship, having fun...it just filled me up inside. And even though I came back to saddness at the passing of my mother-in-law, there was a peace in knowing she finally was able to "go home". Talking to my son, knowing he is home with his family after being deployed for over 6 months, I am filled to overflowing with gratitude. I don't always "feel" God's presence in my life. I "know" He is there but the feeling of His love and care and personal interest in me specifically has been particularly strong this last month and a half. I keep thinking about the verse that says, "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart,..." (Luke 6:45) My heart is filled with the kindness, generousity, and love shown to me these last weeks from God and others. I hope to draw on it and share with others what was so bountifully shared with me. Today is Monday. May the love of God and others fill your heart this day.
Year 5; Day 171 Storing Up, Pt.2
Yesterday's post did not go away. I said how filled up inside I felt from the kindness, generosity, and love shown to me by others on my US trip and since returning. And the verse that came to mind was Luke 6:45, "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart..." I have often told brother that I store up the memories of antique malls and finding "treasures" for a cold, blizzardy, winter's day. Then I haul them out, remember the fun, and feel warmed and happy. I have had a particular sense of God's presence these last weeks. I have "felt" Him being with me and taking a personal interest in my life. I "know" He does, but this has been a particular season of "feeling" as well. How will I use these stored up emotions and times? First by remembering. When I feel lonely or far away, I will remember the marvelous time I had this trip. I will remember the people away who were glad to see me when I visited. I will remember that distance does not limit or define love. And I will remember the pleasure of fellowship...of laughing and eating and spending time together. Secondly, I will allow this season to instruct me and teach me. Just as people were kind to me, I will be kind to others. I will remember the generosity of time given and give to others. And just as I was loved, I will be better at loving others. Just as I "know" I am loved by those back home, I will remember how much I am loved by God, whether I "feel" it or not. I will remember the importance of and to enjoy fellowship with Him. And as I pull out good memories to help with the hard times, I will think and remember all the good the Lord has done for me. Today is Tuesday. The storehouse of my heart is full.
Yesterday's post did not go away. I said how filled up inside I felt from the kindness, generosity, and love shown to me by others on my US trip and since returning. And the verse that came to mind was Luke 6:45, "The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart..." I have often told brother that I store up the memories of antique malls and finding "treasures" for a cold, blizzardy, winter's day. Then I haul them out, remember the fun, and feel warmed and happy. I have had a particular sense of God's presence these last weeks. I have "felt" Him being with me and taking a personal interest in my life. I "know" He does, but this has been a particular season of "feeling" as well. How will I use these stored up emotions and times? First by remembering. When I feel lonely or far away, I will remember the marvelous time I had this trip. I will remember the people away who were glad to see me when I visited. I will remember that distance does not limit or define love. And I will remember the pleasure of fellowship...of laughing and eating and spending time together. Secondly, I will allow this season to instruct me and teach me. Just as people were kind to me, I will be kind to others. I will remember the generosity of time given and give to others. And just as I was loved, I will be better at loving others. Just as I "know" I am loved by those back home, I will remember how much I am loved by God, whether I "feel" it or not. I will remember the importance of and to enjoy fellowship with Him. And as I pull out good memories to help with the hard times, I will think and remember all the good the Lord has done for me. Today is Tuesday. The storehouse of my heart is full.
Year 5; Day 172 In Due Time
Sister-in-law got this great puzzle for me. I always do the outer edge first...or as much as I can. There were three or four pieces I couldn't find but experience told me they would show up. The puzzle had a lot of different colours so some sections weren't too hard to put together but there were a lot of gaps in between...and I had one piece of the frame that I simply could not find. Gradually the spaces began to fill in. The spools of thread took the longest. As I got one spool done and then another and another, it became a little easier. I could see how one related to another. I didn't find the final edge piece until almost the end. But it was there. When I neared completion, I could see the whole picture better and the last pieces went together quickly. As I was working on this puzzle, I thought how much like life it is. We have all these pieces to our lives...daughter, sister, wife, friend, teacher, quilter and they get put together in sections or in parts. Some seem isolated, some incomplete. It takes time to see how God can connect all the pieces, fill in the spaces, give purpose, and make sense of everything. And often there seems to be a piece missing...an unfulfilled dream, an unresolved conflict, and unhealed hurt. We have to have faith that God will put in that missing piece...that fulfillment or resolution or healing. We have to be patient and allow Him to place the pieces not only where they belong, but in His timing. He already sees the completed picture. And in due time, we will too. "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." (1 Peter 5:6) Today is Wednesday. Lift you up...put the pieces together...fill in the empty spaces...all in due time.
Sister-in-law got this great puzzle for me. I always do the outer edge first...or as much as I can. There were three or four pieces I couldn't find but experience told me they would show up. The puzzle had a lot of different colours so some sections weren't too hard to put together but there were a lot of gaps in between...and I had one piece of the frame that I simply could not find. Gradually the spaces began to fill in. The spools of thread took the longest. As I got one spool done and then another and another, it became a little easier. I could see how one related to another. I didn't find the final edge piece until almost the end. But it was there. When I neared completion, I could see the whole picture better and the last pieces went together quickly. As I was working on this puzzle, I thought how much like life it is. We have all these pieces to our lives...daughter, sister, wife, friend, teacher, quilter and they get put together in sections or in parts. Some seem isolated, some incomplete. It takes time to see how God can connect all the pieces, fill in the spaces, give purpose, and make sense of everything. And often there seems to be a piece missing...an unfulfilled dream, an unresolved conflict, and unhealed hurt. We have to have faith that God will put in that missing piece...that fulfillment or resolution or healing. We have to be patient and allow Him to place the pieces not only where they belong, but in His timing. He already sees the completed picture. And in due time, we will too. "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." (1 Peter 5:6) Today is Wednesday. Lift you up...put the pieces together...fill in the empty spaces...all in due time.
Year 5; Day 173 That Missing Piece
That missing piece of the puzzle is still on my mind. I had the whole frame together and most of the puzzle and there was this one small gap in the edge. The piece was red and it had a straight edge and yet I couldn't see it. I knew it had to be there. I tried a number of pieces but none of them fit. I keep thinking about God and how our life can be like a puzzle. He has all the pieces and the parts get put together as our life unfolds. We often only see sections and not the bigger picture. And sometimes we have a missing piece...a question that just doesn't get answered. A reason we don't understand. A happening that doesn't get explained. Everything else falls into place. Time gives the needed perspective, the answers we are looking for, wisdom...except for this. "This" could be a hurt or a sorrow or a something or a someone...and it leaves a gap, an incompleteness. I finally found the last edge piece. It was upside down on the table and I didn't recognize it until close to the end. God has all the pieces. He may not choose to put it in until much later...and maybe not at all while we are here on earth. Maybe it is an eternity piece that won't fit...won't make sense...until we see Him face-to-face. "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." (1 Peter 5:6) Sometimes it is hard waiting for "due time". Hard to trust. Hard to be humble...to submit. Today is Thursday. But He promises to lift us up...and at some point all the missing pieces will be put in place.
That missing piece of the puzzle is still on my mind. I had the whole frame together and most of the puzzle and there was this one small gap in the edge. The piece was red and it had a straight edge and yet I couldn't see it. I knew it had to be there. I tried a number of pieces but none of them fit. I keep thinking about God and how our life can be like a puzzle. He has all the pieces and the parts get put together as our life unfolds. We often only see sections and not the bigger picture. And sometimes we have a missing piece...a question that just doesn't get answered. A reason we don't understand. A happening that doesn't get explained. Everything else falls into place. Time gives the needed perspective, the answers we are looking for, wisdom...except for this. "This" could be a hurt or a sorrow or a something or a someone...and it leaves a gap, an incompleteness. I finally found the last edge piece. It was upside down on the table and I didn't recognize it until close to the end. God has all the pieces. He may not choose to put it in until much later...and maybe not at all while we are here on earth. Maybe it is an eternity piece that won't fit...won't make sense...until we see Him face-to-face. "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." (1 Peter 5:6) Sometimes it is hard waiting for "due time". Hard to trust. Hard to be humble...to submit. Today is Thursday. But He promises to lift us up...and at some point all the missing pieces will be put in place.
Year 5; Day 174 As You Know How
I opened my Bible yesterday to finish reading the last chapter in Matthew and there it was...today's post. "Take a guard," Pilate answered. "Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how." (Matthew 27:65) Jesus had been crucified and put in the tomb. Some of the religious leaders went to Pilate and asked for more security. They knew Jesus had said He would rise on the third day and they thought the disciples might try and steal His body and pass it off as a resurrection. So Pilate told them to go and make the tomb "...as secure as you know how." They put a seal on the stone and posted guards. They did all they knew to do to prevent Christ from coming out of that tomb. For the most part, isn't that how we live---as secure as we know how? We get an education or a trade to get a good job. We buy life insurance, an alarm system for the house, put money away for retirement and invest some. We try to exercise, eat healthy, and have regular check-ups. Planning for the expected, the known, the normal is not so difficult. It is the unexpected that catches us unawares...the unknown, the not normal. The soldiers were not prepared for the supernatural power of the resurrection. They fainted dead away. Often we are not prepared for a sudden loss of a job, a bad report from the doctor, an economic downturn, life changing bad news. We are limited by acting "as secure as you know how." What we know isn't enough. When it comes to the future...tomorrow, next week, next year, this afternoon...the best we can do is make an educated guess. But there is One who does not depend on educated guesses, trends, or trying to cover all the bases. "I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come..." (Isaiah 46:10) Today is Friday. My trust is in His knowing.
I opened my Bible yesterday to finish reading the last chapter in Matthew and there it was...today's post. "Take a guard," Pilate answered. "Go, make the tomb as secure as you know how." (Matthew 27:65) Jesus had been crucified and put in the tomb. Some of the religious leaders went to Pilate and asked for more security. They knew Jesus had said He would rise on the third day and they thought the disciples might try and steal His body and pass it off as a resurrection. So Pilate told them to go and make the tomb "...as secure as you know how." They put a seal on the stone and posted guards. They did all they knew to do to prevent Christ from coming out of that tomb. For the most part, isn't that how we live---as secure as we know how? We get an education or a trade to get a good job. We buy life insurance, an alarm system for the house, put money away for retirement and invest some. We try to exercise, eat healthy, and have regular check-ups. Planning for the expected, the known, the normal is not so difficult. It is the unexpected that catches us unawares...the unknown, the not normal. The soldiers were not prepared for the supernatural power of the resurrection. They fainted dead away. Often we are not prepared for a sudden loss of a job, a bad report from the doctor, an economic downturn, life changing bad news. We are limited by acting "as secure as you know how." What we know isn't enough. When it comes to the future...tomorrow, next week, next year, this afternoon...the best we can do is make an educated guess. But there is One who does not depend on educated guesses, trends, or trying to cover all the bases. "I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come..." (Isaiah 46:10) Today is Friday. My trust is in His knowing.
Year 5; Day 175 At Full Value
I heard a statement yesterday that I don't remember hearing worded in quite that way before. Jesus treated people with full value. It doesn't sound complicated or hard but I am thinking that statement has a lot of depth. I don't know that I treat people badly...but I probably tend to avoid those that make me uncomfortable. Jesus was able to look beyond the surface and see the heart. He did it with Zacchaeus. Respectable Jews wouldn't have given him the time of day. He was a cheat and a thief. A disreputable tax collector. Yet Jesus looked right up at him in that tree and said He wanted to come for a visit. Zacchaeus was loved right into the kingdom. Jesus didn't gravitate to the "got it all together" type people, but He loved people as if they did. The woman at the well. The disciples. Lepers. Tax collectors. As a believer, I can know the mind of Christ...know His heart...see people as He did...with compassion instead of condemnation, with love instead of dislike, with mercy instead of judgment. My conscience was stirred. Do I treat people with full value? Mostly. Outwardly, at least. Pretty much..........but not everyone. Some people disappoint. Some people hurt. Some people are not friends. Some people are not nice. So I withhold, stand back, distance myself. If Jesus had done that, He wouldn't have reached very many people. "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." (John 3:17) God sent His Son because of love. Jesus came to earth because of love. The gap is bridged between God and humanity because of love. Do I love well enough for others to see their full value in Christ? Today is Saturday. I must do some serious pondering.
I heard a statement yesterday that I don't remember hearing worded in quite that way before. Jesus treated people with full value. It doesn't sound complicated or hard but I am thinking that statement has a lot of depth. I don't know that I treat people badly...but I probably tend to avoid those that make me uncomfortable. Jesus was able to look beyond the surface and see the heart. He did it with Zacchaeus. Respectable Jews wouldn't have given him the time of day. He was a cheat and a thief. A disreputable tax collector. Yet Jesus looked right up at him in that tree and said He wanted to come for a visit. Zacchaeus was loved right into the kingdom. Jesus didn't gravitate to the "got it all together" type people, but He loved people as if they did. The woman at the well. The disciples. Lepers. Tax collectors. As a believer, I can know the mind of Christ...know His heart...see people as He did...with compassion instead of condemnation, with love instead of dislike, with mercy instead of judgment. My conscience was stirred. Do I treat people with full value? Mostly. Outwardly, at least. Pretty much..........but not everyone. Some people disappoint. Some people hurt. Some people are not friends. Some people are not nice. So I withhold, stand back, distance myself. If Jesus had done that, He wouldn't have reached very many people. "For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." (John 3:17) God sent His Son because of love. Jesus came to earth because of love. The gap is bridged between God and humanity because of love. Do I love well enough for others to see their full value in Christ? Today is Saturday. I must do some serious pondering.
Year 5; Day 176 Translating Love
I have been watching some YouTube videos by Shawn Bolz called "Translating God". And I can feel the Holy Spirit dealing with me and I can feel my attitude being adjusted and my heart being changed. Bolt's premise is that we need to translate the heart of God for others to see and feel and know. That is done through love because that is the heart of God...love. That means having a godly love for all (ALL) people. Then Bolz made a statement that has been rolling around in my mind. "Jesus came to people and didn't tell them what they were doing wrong, but what they could be in Christ." When Jesus called His disciples, none of them came with a great resume for the position. They varied from a tax collector, to a political zealot, to hard working fisherman. None showed a hankering for the religious life. They were raw, unequipped, and unprepared. Jesus loved them, taught them, loved them, instructed them, loved them, and they all deserted Him and He still loved them. Even Judas. How do you not tell off the person you know is going to betray you? And we aren't talking about a betrayal of a secret. We are talking about a betrayal unto death! How could Jesus not zap Judas or at least make him mute or give him leprosy? How could He call him "friend" even as Judas used a kiss of greeting as a kiss of death? Jesus never shut the door to Judas. He never shut the door to Peter after his betrayal...and he never shuts the door to you...or to me. He sees what we can be. He sees what He has destined for us to be. And He loves us as we journey to get there. Is that how we view people? With the heart of God? Through the eyes of Christ? "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us...." (1 John 3:1) Today is Sunday. What translation of Love do we live for others to read?
I have been watching some YouTube videos by Shawn Bolz called "Translating God". And I can feel the Holy Spirit dealing with me and I can feel my attitude being adjusted and my heart being changed. Bolt's premise is that we need to translate the heart of God for others to see and feel and know. That is done through love because that is the heart of God...love. That means having a godly love for all (ALL) people. Then Bolz made a statement that has been rolling around in my mind. "Jesus came to people and didn't tell them what they were doing wrong, but what they could be in Christ." When Jesus called His disciples, none of them came with a great resume for the position. They varied from a tax collector, to a political zealot, to hard working fisherman. None showed a hankering for the religious life. They were raw, unequipped, and unprepared. Jesus loved them, taught them, loved them, instructed them, loved them, and they all deserted Him and He still loved them. Even Judas. How do you not tell off the person you know is going to betray you? And we aren't talking about a betrayal of a secret. We are talking about a betrayal unto death! How could Jesus not zap Judas or at least make him mute or give him leprosy? How could He call him "friend" even as Judas used a kiss of greeting as a kiss of death? Jesus never shut the door to Judas. He never shut the door to Peter after his betrayal...and he never shuts the door to you...or to me. He sees what we can be. He sees what He has destined for us to be. And He loves us as we journey to get there. Is that how we view people? With the heart of God? Through the eyes of Christ? "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us...." (1 John 3:1) Today is Sunday. What translation of Love do we live for others to read?