Rindy's Devotional Tidbits
The Spiritual Cafe is pleased to share her daily facebook thoughts. It is our hope that her reflections will be a service to you on your spiritual growth journey.
Week 33 Archives
Year 5; Day 226 "How Undivided is My Heart?"
Writing a daily post has turned my thoughts deeper. I am not so quick with the hasty glance or a superficial ponder. At least not with some topics. That God loves me with an undivided heart hasn't left me yet. What kind of heart do I have? How do I love? Do I love God with an undivided heart? I want to say a resounding "Of course!" or at least a strong "Yes!" But...my mental reality and actual behaviour are not always in sync. I want to have an undivided heart towards God. I want to love Him completely, trust Him totally, and follow Him wholeheartedly. And there are also times when I want my own way, when I want what others have, and when I don't want to wait one second more for an answer to a request. And even though I know I am a new creation in Christ, there are times...not always, but times...when the old me seems to have the upper hand. I don't think an undivided heart comes naturally to humans. But nothing is impossible with God and He can help us with that. In a prophecy to Israel, the prophet Ezekiel said, "...'This is what the Sovereign Lord says:...I will give them an undivided heart..." (Ezekiel 11:17,19) David prayed for an undivided heart. "Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart..." (Psalm 86:11) I think the real key (for me, at least) is, can I pray that sincerely and with utter conviction? Am I willing to put aside my selfish, me, I want heart for a heart with undivided love for my heavenly Father? Today is Monday. I think an undivided heart becomes a reality the more we seek to know the undivided heart of God.
Writing a daily post has turned my thoughts deeper. I am not so quick with the hasty glance or a superficial ponder. At least not with some topics. That God loves me with an undivided heart hasn't left me yet. What kind of heart do I have? How do I love? Do I love God with an undivided heart? I want to say a resounding "Of course!" or at least a strong "Yes!" But...my mental reality and actual behaviour are not always in sync. I want to have an undivided heart towards God. I want to love Him completely, trust Him totally, and follow Him wholeheartedly. And there are also times when I want my own way, when I want what others have, and when I don't want to wait one second more for an answer to a request. And even though I know I am a new creation in Christ, there are times...not always, but times...when the old me seems to have the upper hand. I don't think an undivided heart comes naturally to humans. But nothing is impossible with God and He can help us with that. In a prophecy to Israel, the prophet Ezekiel said, "...'This is what the Sovereign Lord says:...I will give them an undivided heart..." (Ezekiel 11:17,19) David prayed for an undivided heart. "Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart..." (Psalm 86:11) I think the real key (for me, at least) is, can I pray that sincerely and with utter conviction? Am I willing to put aside my selfish, me, I want heart for a heart with undivided love for my heavenly Father? Today is Monday. I think an undivided heart becomes a reality the more we seek to know the undivided heart of God.
Year 5; Day 227 "Who Needs to Remember?"
We have sung a chorus in church a number of times and for the first time I questioned what I was singing. What made this time different? The words haven't changed. Maybe my heart was in a different place. We sang "Your Grace is Enough" by Matt Maher. Part of it says, "Remember Your people; Remember Your children; Remember Your promise, oh God." The very first time we sang it Sunday morning, I found myself mentally responding with a "He's not the One who needs to be reminded to remember --- we are." Does God ever forget His people? That I am His child? Does He forget a single promise He has made? "He remembers his covenant forever, the word he commanded, for a thousand generations, " (Psalm 105:8) We are the ones who forget. Maybe not when everything is flowing right along...but how long does that last in this life? There is always something going on somewhere with someone to rock the boat, stir the pot, ruffle the surface. When we look at the world and all its strife and tension, do we remember we are His people and the sheep of His pasture? When our life keeps hitting roadblocks, detours, and delays, do we remember we are His children and He is our Father. Not a distant relative or an unknown but our own heavenly Father. Do we remember that His love for us is everlasting, unchanging, undivided? Do we remember His promises when faced with a problem? Which is bigger in our minds...the problem or the Problem-solver? How can He forget us when He has promised, "....Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5) What an all-encompassing declaration. If that is the only promise we remember, that can shift us from despair to hope, from turmoil to peace, and from uncertainty to confidence. Today is Tuesday. We can declare with absolute confidence, "We are your people; we are your children; and we will remember your promises, oh God!"
We have sung a chorus in church a number of times and for the first time I questioned what I was singing. What made this time different? The words haven't changed. Maybe my heart was in a different place. We sang "Your Grace is Enough" by Matt Maher. Part of it says, "Remember Your people; Remember Your children; Remember Your promise, oh God." The very first time we sang it Sunday morning, I found myself mentally responding with a "He's not the One who needs to be reminded to remember --- we are." Does God ever forget His people? That I am His child? Does He forget a single promise He has made? "He remembers his covenant forever, the word he commanded, for a thousand generations, " (Psalm 105:8) We are the ones who forget. Maybe not when everything is flowing right along...but how long does that last in this life? There is always something going on somewhere with someone to rock the boat, stir the pot, ruffle the surface. When we look at the world and all its strife and tension, do we remember we are His people and the sheep of His pasture? When our life keeps hitting roadblocks, detours, and delays, do we remember we are His children and He is our Father. Not a distant relative or an unknown but our own heavenly Father. Do we remember that His love for us is everlasting, unchanging, undivided? Do we remember His promises when faced with a problem? Which is bigger in our minds...the problem or the Problem-solver? How can He forget us when He has promised, "....Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5) What an all-encompassing declaration. If that is the only promise we remember, that can shift us from despair to hope, from turmoil to peace, and from uncertainty to confidence. Today is Tuesday. We can declare with absolute confidence, "We are your people; we are your children; and we will remember your promises, oh God!"
Year 5; Day 228 "Focus on Gratitude"
I am really trying to reframe my thinking...to focus on the promise rather than the problem, to be grateful, and to wait with expectation. But sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in my own neediness. There seems to be so much of it...mental, physical, emotional, social, financial, personal, family, friends and the list goes on. I don't always remember to give thanks and then some little thing will happen to remind me that if my list of needs is great, my list of thanks is greater. The bedroom window was open all night. Early this morning I heard a concert from the birds. There was even a soloist who sang a beautiful melody while the others hushed to listen. A friend joined me for wonderful company on a local outing and others will join me later in the week for another. I am working on making a purse/bag and I miscalculated my fabric. I realized too late that I had enough for the inside pockets or the straps but not both. I went with the pockets. I had a bit of the lining fabric to use for the straps only to find I was a few inches short. I found another scrap and will have to try and hobble it in...or have shorter straps. Even with the instructions in front of me, I made errors. Yet God created all that is seen and unseen perfectly. He never had to go to the scrap pile, recycle, or repurpose. How much is there to be grateful for that we don't think about, understand, or comprehend? "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139:14) I can't imagine that any of my needs would stump God. Stump me, yes. Stump God, no. Today is Wednesday. I wish.
I am really trying to reframe my thinking...to focus on the promise rather than the problem, to be grateful, and to wait with expectation. But sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in my own neediness. There seems to be so much of it...mental, physical, emotional, social, financial, personal, family, friends and the list goes on. I don't always remember to give thanks and then some little thing will happen to remind me that if my list of needs is great, my list of thanks is greater. The bedroom window was open all night. Early this morning I heard a concert from the birds. There was even a soloist who sang a beautiful melody while the others hushed to listen. A friend joined me for wonderful company on a local outing and others will join me later in the week for another. I am working on making a purse/bag and I miscalculated my fabric. I realized too late that I had enough for the inside pockets or the straps but not both. I went with the pockets. I had a bit of the lining fabric to use for the straps only to find I was a few inches short. I found another scrap and will have to try and hobble it in...or have shorter straps. Even with the instructions in front of me, I made errors. Yet God created all that is seen and unseen perfectly. He never had to go to the scrap pile, recycle, or repurpose. How much is there to be grateful for that we don't think about, understand, or comprehend? "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." (Psalm 139:14) I can't imagine that any of my needs would stump God. Stump me, yes. Stump God, no. Today is Wednesday. I wish.
Year 5; Day 229 " Finally...Some Fruit"
Over the years I have mentioned our cherry tree that was planted as a little branch thirty plus years ago. I don't know that we really expected it to take root and grow but it did. The label that came with it said it was a cherry tree and for years we took it on faith that it was. Finally blossoms started showing up each spring. There was the promise of cherries. A promise that was rarely kept. Sometimes there would be little green knobs that we thought would mature into cherries but they usually didn't and often disappeared before fruition. Over the years the cherry tree has looked beautiful, grown well, and added character to our yard. But it has mostly been a "for looks only" kind of tree. There have been so few cherries (only one "crop" and I was in the States...husband sent pictures) that nobody walking along would know except us...and that's because we read the label. For some reason we have actual cherries on the tree this year. Even strangers would know what kind of tree it is. It is wonderful to have a tree that actually yields fruit. As followers of Christ we are called to be fruitful. "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance." (Matthew 3:8) It wasn't a request. It was a command. And yet, how many of us are easily recognizable as Christ-followers? Consistently. Year after year. Even a stranger walking by would know we were His. Or are we more like our tree? We have the Christian label but little to back it up. Sometimes we hint at a relationship with Christ. Even start to show some fruit only to have it disappear over time. Too hard. Too busy. Too much required. I do not know how those of us who identify ourselves as followers but are really mostly "for looks" will justify ourselves when we stand before Christ to give an accounting. Unlike our cherry tree who only rarely bears fruit, we are called to be consistently productive. "Every good tree bears good fruit..." (Matthew 7:17) Today is Thursday. When it comes to fruitfulness, occasionally doesn't really cut it.
Over the years I have mentioned our cherry tree that was planted as a little branch thirty plus years ago. I don't know that we really expected it to take root and grow but it did. The label that came with it said it was a cherry tree and for years we took it on faith that it was. Finally blossoms started showing up each spring. There was the promise of cherries. A promise that was rarely kept. Sometimes there would be little green knobs that we thought would mature into cherries but they usually didn't and often disappeared before fruition. Over the years the cherry tree has looked beautiful, grown well, and added character to our yard. But it has mostly been a "for looks only" kind of tree. There have been so few cherries (only one "crop" and I was in the States...husband sent pictures) that nobody walking along would know except us...and that's because we read the label. For some reason we have actual cherries on the tree this year. Even strangers would know what kind of tree it is. It is wonderful to have a tree that actually yields fruit. As followers of Christ we are called to be fruitful. "Produce fruit in keeping with repentance." (Matthew 3:8) It wasn't a request. It was a command. And yet, how many of us are easily recognizable as Christ-followers? Consistently. Year after year. Even a stranger walking by would know we were His. Or are we more like our tree? We have the Christian label but little to back it up. Sometimes we hint at a relationship with Christ. Even start to show some fruit only to have it disappear over time. Too hard. Too busy. Too much required. I do not know how those of us who identify ourselves as followers but are really mostly "for looks" will justify ourselves when we stand before Christ to give an accounting. Unlike our cherry tree who only rarely bears fruit, we are called to be consistently productive. "Every good tree bears good fruit..." (Matthew 7:17) Today is Thursday. When it comes to fruitfulness, occasionally doesn't really cut it.
Year 5; Day 230 "Following Directions"
Yesterday friends and I went on a little road trip. I wanted to check out two quilting shops that I had never been to. One I had the name and address of and the other some verbal directions. The verbal instructions said there was an interesting shop right by the sign to Summerville. So we were all looking for the highway sign to Summerville. We turned off and travelled on down until we got to the little town of Summerville. We didn't see any shop by the town sign. An inquiry at the local post office informed us there was no quilt shop in the town but there was one out on the highway. When we travelled back to the main road, there was the quilt shop right by the highway sign for turning to Summerville. The two shops were actually one and the same. We were so busy looking for the turn off, we missed the shop. We confused our directions and were looking for two different places instead of one. Sometimes I think we do that with God. We listen to others and often get incomplete instructions instead of going straight to His Word and seeing what He says. We look in the wrong places and end up where we don't want to be. Jesus' directions are not complicated. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) Not weary and burdened? Fine. He has uncomplicated directions for you too. "Come, follow me..." (Matthew 4:19) Sometimes we make being a Christ follower difficult. It doesn't need to be. Today is Friday. All we have to do is follow Him and we will get to where we need to go.
Yesterday friends and I went on a little road trip. I wanted to check out two quilting shops that I had never been to. One I had the name and address of and the other some verbal directions. The verbal instructions said there was an interesting shop right by the sign to Summerville. So we were all looking for the highway sign to Summerville. We turned off and travelled on down until we got to the little town of Summerville. We didn't see any shop by the town sign. An inquiry at the local post office informed us there was no quilt shop in the town but there was one out on the highway. When we travelled back to the main road, there was the quilt shop right by the highway sign for turning to Summerville. The two shops were actually one and the same. We were so busy looking for the turn off, we missed the shop. We confused our directions and were looking for two different places instead of one. Sometimes I think we do that with God. We listen to others and often get incomplete instructions instead of going straight to His Word and seeing what He says. We look in the wrong places and end up where we don't want to be. Jesus' directions are not complicated. "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28) Not weary and burdened? Fine. He has uncomplicated directions for you too. "Come, follow me..." (Matthew 4:19) Sometimes we make being a Christ follower difficult. It doesn't need to be. Today is Friday. All we have to do is follow Him and we will get to where we need to go.
Year 5; Day 231 "Getting the Right Directions"
While on our little road trip the other day, we were in a small (very) Salvation Army Thrift Store. One of the helpers was chatting with a couple by the door. After I paid my 25¢ for my four buttons, I asked the lady for directions to another local store. After hesitating, she looked at me and said, "Keep going the way you were headed." I said, "I am headed straight for your store as I parked right outside." She gestured for me to follow her outdoors. The man she had been talking to laughed and said she was terrible at directions and I would probably end up in Gander (a couple hours away). She pointed up the road and said, "Go this way up the road until you come to a set of lights....hmm...is it the first set? Yes. When you get to the lights turn right." As she spoke and said to go right, she turned her hand left. When I said that she said right and pointed left, she went back into the store to ask the other worker for the directions. The man she had been chatting with smiled as I walked back in and said, "I told you, you'll end up in Gander if you listen to her." It matters who we listen to, whether for road directions or spiritual concerns. Paul and Silas went to the town of Berea to share the Gospel message. They had experience, reputation, and credentials. But the Bereans wanted to know for themselves. "Now the Bereans were of more noble character...for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." (Acts 17:11) Not everyone gives good direction. Check it out for yourself. Today is Saturday. "Taste and see that the Lord is good..." (Psalm 34:8)
While on our little road trip the other day, we were in a small (very) Salvation Army Thrift Store. One of the helpers was chatting with a couple by the door. After I paid my 25¢ for my four buttons, I asked the lady for directions to another local store. After hesitating, she looked at me and said, "Keep going the way you were headed." I said, "I am headed straight for your store as I parked right outside." She gestured for me to follow her outdoors. The man she had been talking to laughed and said she was terrible at directions and I would probably end up in Gander (a couple hours away). She pointed up the road and said, "Go this way up the road until you come to a set of lights....hmm...is it the first set? Yes. When you get to the lights turn right." As she spoke and said to go right, she turned her hand left. When I said that she said right and pointed left, she went back into the store to ask the other worker for the directions. The man she had been chatting with smiled as I walked back in and said, "I told you, you'll end up in Gander if you listen to her." It matters who we listen to, whether for road directions or spiritual concerns. Paul and Silas went to the town of Berea to share the Gospel message. They had experience, reputation, and credentials. But the Bereans wanted to know for themselves. "Now the Bereans were of more noble character...for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." (Acts 17:11) Not everyone gives good direction. Check it out for yourself. Today is Saturday. "Taste and see that the Lord is good..." (Psalm 34:8)
Year 5; Day 232 "Co-ordinated or Mismatched?"
I was in Value Village last week. Husband dropped me off and I was done before he returned so I sat in a chair and waited by the exit door near the check-outs. I saw a man whose favourite colour must have been red. He had on a red shirt, red shorts, red socks, and red footwear. There was no doubt how he felt about red! Then a man I would judge to be in his seventies came and stood in the check-out line. He had a closely cropped haircut in the back while the front was longer and swept to the side. It was a steel gray and very striking. His face was very handsome and distinguished looking. He looked like he could have been a 50+ model or a very successful CEO or the captain of his own yacht. At least his head did...but not the rest of him. He was wearing jogging pants that bagged in the knees and had elastic cuffs around his ankles. He had on a black spandex shirt that clung to every middle-aged bulge and roll. His head just did not match the rest of him! Or the rest of him did not match his head. As followers of Christ we are suppose to match. What we think and what we say should match what we do and where we go. Our hands and feet, our mouths, our thoughts and heart should be like the man in red...all co-ordinated. But too often we are not. James summed it up by saying, "Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?" (James 3:11) No it cannot and neither should the equivalent come from us. Today is Sunday. Those two men walked out the door never knowing the spiritual reminders they represented! What kind of a reminder are we? Co-ordinated or mismatched?
I was in Value Village last week. Husband dropped me off and I was done before he returned so I sat in a chair and waited by the exit door near the check-outs. I saw a man whose favourite colour must have been red. He had on a red shirt, red shorts, red socks, and red footwear. There was no doubt how he felt about red! Then a man I would judge to be in his seventies came and stood in the check-out line. He had a closely cropped haircut in the back while the front was longer and swept to the side. It was a steel gray and very striking. His face was very handsome and distinguished looking. He looked like he could have been a 50+ model or a very successful CEO or the captain of his own yacht. At least his head did...but not the rest of him. He was wearing jogging pants that bagged in the knees and had elastic cuffs around his ankles. He had on a black spandex shirt that clung to every middle-aged bulge and roll. His head just did not match the rest of him! Or the rest of him did not match his head. As followers of Christ we are suppose to match. What we think and what we say should match what we do and where we go. Our hands and feet, our mouths, our thoughts and heart should be like the man in red...all co-ordinated. But too often we are not. James summed it up by saying, "Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring?" (James 3:11) No it cannot and neither should the equivalent come from us. Today is Sunday. Those two men walked out the door never knowing the spiritual reminders they represented! What kind of a reminder are we? Co-ordinated or mismatched?